Slow down the wrinkles and fine lines

At Elsa, we specialise in subtle, natural changes
that leave you feeling
fresh not frozen

Client receiving anti wrinkle treatment at Elsa Aesthetics

Wrinkles & Fine LInes

Wrinkle treatment

At Elsa, we know the reality of ageing isn't always a pleasant feeling. Fine lines. Wrinkles. Makeup settling in the creases… It's a tough pill to swallow when you see your youth slowly making its exit out the back door.

We offer a non-invasive treatment that ‘irons out’ out wrinkles, restoring a smoother more rested appearance. Results start to show from around 3 days after treatment, and full effects are visible within 2 weeks.

Don't worry about looking "frozen" or “overdone” - our light dose will leave you looking completely natural.


Your concerns

We can treat…

  • Between your brows, on your forehead, or around your eyes…They show up overnight and wont leave. And let's not even get started on the frustration of makeup creasing or feeling like you constantly look angry, worried, or tired – even on your best days. It's exhausting! If you're nodding along, the good news is wrinkle treatment can help. By relaxing those tense muscles, you'll enjoy smoother, fresher skin within just three days, while also preventing lines from deepening further.

  • Perhaps you've noticed it appearing even thinner over time or showing more gum than you’d like. Wrinkle treatment isn't just for lines – it can also help enhance your lips. By relaxing the muscles around your mouth, it adds fullness and definition to your top lip when you smile. The best part? You'll see natural-looking results in just 3 days. And trust us, even your husband won't notice – except maybe to compliment your beautiful smile!

  • As you age, you might notice your face takes on a perpetually sad or worried look, even when you're not feeling that way. But with wrinkle treatment, you can change that. It does more than just smooth out lines – it relaxes the muscles that create a sad or worried appearance, to ensure a friendlier, more relaxed look within just 3 days. It looks completely natural – the only thing people will notice is how much happier and refreshed you look

  • Unconsciously clenching your teeth, especially during stressful situations or while you sleep? This common issue can lead to various problems like jaw pain, headaches, and even tooth damage. Beyond just smoothing out lines, wrinkle treatment can also relax the muscles involved in teeth clenching, to reduce jaw discomfort, headaches, and pain. You'll start noticing improvements in just a few days.

  • No matter how youthful your face appears, your neck will always reveal your true age. By the time you reach your mid-30s, you might notice visible vertical lines or sagging skin that doesn't bounce back like it used to. If you're nodding in agreement, and it bothers you, wrinkle treatment can help. In just two weeks, it can rejuvenate the lines and sagging appearance, resulting in a smoother, more youthful neck.

  • Struggling with sweaty, damp armpits in the summer heat, especially during public speaking, job interviews, or family gatherings? Those embarrassing underarm stains can really dent your confidence. If this rings true for you, consider wrinkle treatment. It works within 2 weeks and can effectively reduce sweating for up to 12 months.

While we can't stop the clock, we can slow down the wrinkles and fine lines,
allowing you to enjoy smoother, wrinkle-free skin for longer.